di ruang Auditorium STPI, rangkaian
acara diawali dengan sosialisasi yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Bambang S. Ervan
selaku Kepala Pusat komunikasi Publik Kementerian Perhubungan dan Ibu Maryati Karma, Ketua Sekolah
Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia. Peserta menunjukkan antusiasme yang sangat tinggi terkait informasi yang diberikan oleh para narasumber,
hal ini terlihat dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan
yang diajukan pada sesi tanya jawab.
Setelah acara sosialisasi
selesai dilaksanakan, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan lokasi ke beberapa
fasilitas pendidikan yang dimiliki oleh STPI seperti hangar program studi
teknik pesawat udara, gedung PKP-PK dan gedung ATC Simulator yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas simulator 3 dimensi
dan dalam waktu dekat akan diresmikan pemanfaatannya.
BAKOHUMAS adalah Forum Koordinasi dan Kerjasama antar
Humas Lembaga Pemerintah, Lembaga Negara serta BUMN, dimana PT Angkasa Pura II
(Persero) adalah salah satu anggotanya yang ikut berperan aktif dalam rangka menjalankan
fungsi kehumasan perusahaan. (ALX)
Purpose to improve the understanding and knowledge about Indonesian Aviation Advance School (STPI), Coordinating Agency of Government Public Relations (BAKOHUMAS) cooperated with Ministry of Transportation, held socialization and site visit to STPI located in Curug-Tangerang, on Monday, 11 Sept 2012. It has started by assembling at Ministry transportation office then embarked by using bus which has provided by the committee headed to Curug. The series of events has started by delivering the socialization presented by Mr Bambang S. Ervan The head of Ministry Transportation Public Communication and Mrs Maryati Karma, The head of STPI. The participants showed high enthusiasm related to the information conducted by the speakers, it was concluded at question and answer session.
After socialization has accomplished, it has
continued by the site visit to some
facilities owned by STPI such as hangar for aircraft technical program,
PKP-PK and ATC simulator building which has 3 dimensions
simulator that will be officially launched sooner.
BAKOHUMAS is coordination and cooperation forum regarding public relations of government and
state institutions, as well as state owned enterprise. PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)
is the member of BAKOHUMAS which playing an active role in conducting its public relations function.(ALX)
kaka permisi, kalo habis dari SMK kalo kuliah ke STPI bisa tidak?