Ada yang berbeda di kediaman Duta Besar Amerika Serikat sore itu. Selama ini, segala sesuatu yang berbau Amerika selalu terkesan angker, ketat bahkan terkadang 'merepotkan'. Tapi kemarin kondisinya sangat berbeda. Memang, kesan tertutup masih terlihat bila kita melihat pagar rumah yang sangat tinggi dan dipenuhi dengan kawat berduri. Apalagi CCTV dan petugas berseragam yang lalu lalang di sekitar pintu luar seakan-akan siap menginterogasi siapapun yang akan masuk ke dalam. Tapi sangat kontras saat kami datang. Penerimaan mereka sangat baik, bahkan kami sama sekali tidak ditanya tentang kartu undangan. Seakan-akan mereka sudah mengenal kami. Di balik pintu pun hanya tersedia walk-through, bukan x-ray. Mungkin sang Duta Besar tidak ingin membuat para tamunya merasa tidak nyaman. Hal-hal yang berbau protokoler coba mereka eleminir.
Tepat jam 18.00 sesuai undangan, acara dimulai dengan sambutan dari Mr. Scot Marciel, duta besar Amerika untuk Indonesia dan selanjutnya Mr. Francisco J.Sanchez, Under Secretary for International Trade menyampaikan sambutannya. Di akhir sambutan Mr. Sanchez memanggil bapak Tri S.Sunoko, Direktur Utama Angkasa Pura II. Beliau menyampaikan apresiasi kepada Angkasa Pura II atas terciptanya hubungan yang baik antara Indonesia dan Amerika dan komitmen AP II terhadap keselamatan penerbangan. Sebagai bentuk apresiasi, Mr.Sanchez menyerahkan sertifikat kepada AP II. Beberapa perusahaan besar dari Amerika Serikat hadir dalam acara resepsi malam itu. Mereka adalah Oshkosh Corporation, Cisco System, Black & Veatch, GE, Honeywell, Shaw, Westinghouse Electric Company dan WorleyParsons.
Angkasa Pura II gets a certificate of appreciation from USA Government
There is something different at the residence of the U.S. ambassador that afternoon. So far, everything smelled Americans always seem austere, rigorous and sometimes 'troublesome'. But yesterday was very different. Indeed, the impression still looks closed when we see a very high fence and filled with barbed wire. Moreover, CCTV and uniformed officers passing around the outside of the gate as if ready to interrogate anyone who would go into. But when we came in stark contrast. Their reception was excellent, we did not even asked about the invitation card. As if they already know us. Behind the gate is only available a walk-through, not the x-ray. Perhaps the ambassador did not want to make his guests feel uncomfortable. It seems he tries to eliminate strict protocol.
Exactly at 6 pm according invitation, the event began with a speech from Mr. Scot Marciel, the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia and then Mr. Francisco J.Sanchez, Under Secretary for International Trade delivering his speech. At the end of the speech Mr. Sanchez called Mr.Tri S.Sunoko, Director of Angkasa Pura II. He expressed his appreciation to Angkasa Pura II on the good relations between Indonesia and the U.S., and AP II's commitment to aviation safety. As a token of appreciation, Mr.Sanchez presents a certificate to the AP II. Several large companies from the United States attended the reception. They are the Oshkosh Corporation, Cisco Systems, Black & Veatch, GE, Honeywell, Shaw, Westinghouse Electric Company and WorleyParsons. (FR)
Exactly at 6 pm according invitation, the event began with a speech from Mr. Scot Marciel, the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia and then Mr. Francisco J.Sanchez, Under Secretary for International Trade delivering his speech. At the end of the speech Mr. Sanchez called Mr.Tri S.Sunoko, Director of Angkasa Pura II. He expressed his appreciation to Angkasa Pura II on the good relations between Indonesia and the U.S., and AP II's commitment to aviation safety. As a token of appreciation, Mr.Sanchez presents a certificate to the AP II. Several large companies from the United States attended the reception. They are the Oshkosh Corporation, Cisco Systems, Black & Veatch, GE, Honeywell, Shaw, Westinghouse Electric Company and WorleyParsons. (FR)
congrat to PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero)