Hari ini dimulai proses seleksi untuk 2 formasi lowong Assistant Manager di unit kerja Corporate Secretary khususnya pada fungsi Public Relation (PR) dan Board of Director's Secretary (BODS). 14 peserta harus mengikuti proses awal seleksi berupa tes tertulis yaitu menjawab 10 pertanyaan terkait tugas-tugas PR dan BODS.( Today, the selection process for two vacant formation of Assistant Manager at Corporate Secretary unit is begun, particularly both functions on Public Relation and Board of Director's Secretary. 14 participants have to follow the initial selection such as written test that they must answer 10 questions related to PR and BODS tasks )
Hari ini juga, Direksi Angkasa Pura II menghadiri Rapat Dengar Pendapat dengan Komisi VI di Gedung DPR MPR RI di Senayan Jakarta. (
Also today, Directors of Angkasa Pura II attend the hearing with the of House of Representative Commission VI of the Constitutional Committee in Senayan Jakarta )
Dirut AP II sedang memberikan penjelasan kepada Komisi VI |
Tanggal 8 Februari adalah tanggal bersejarah bagi ibu Nurcahyani atau lebih dikenal dengan panggilan mbak Yani, sekretaris Direktur Personalia dan Umum, karena pada tanggal inilah beliau genap memasuki usia ke-50. Selamat ya mbak.........semoga tetap sehat lahir bathin dan dikabulkan semua doa-doanya. Aamiin ya rabbal 'alamin. ( February 8 is a memorable date for Mrs.Nurcahyani or fondly known as Mbak Yani, a secretary of Director of Personnel & General Affairs, because on this date she even entered the age of 50. Congratulation Mbak......wish you keep health mentally and physically, and granted all your prayers. Amen )
Mbak Yani diapit sama suami dan anak bungsunya |
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