Berdasarkan masukan dari pemirsa yang disampaikan langsung ke Public Relations, kami akan tampilkan beberapa peristiwa penting yang terjadi di bulan Juli dan Agustus 2012. Bilamana menurut anda masih ada peristiwa penting lainnya yang layak dikonsumsi publik tapi belum di-published, silakan memberikan informasi berikut foto kalau ada. Kami akan segera edit artikel ini.
Berdasarkan masukan dari pemirsa yang disampaikan langsung ke Public Relations, kami akan tampilkan beberapa peristiwa penting yang terjadi di bulan Juli dan Agustus 2012. Bilamana menurut anda masih ada peristiwa penting lainnya yang layak dikonsumsi publik tapi belum di-published, silakan memberikan informasi berikut foto kalau ada. Kami akan segera edit artikel ini.
1. Ground Breaking Pengembangan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
Ini bisa dikatakan event besar bagi Angkasa Pura II. Kalau boleh jujur, sebenarnya event besar bagi negara kita tercinta Indonesia, karena setelah masa penantian panjang, akhirnya keinginan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan pengguna jasa Bandara Soekarno-Hatta pada khususnya, mega proyek pengembangan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta memasuki tahap pekerjaan pembangunannya. Ground breaking pengembangan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dilakukan secara resmi dan simbolik oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia, Dr.H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2012 di area Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno-Hatta tepat jam 10 pagi. Acara ini dihadiri oleh 500 undangan yang terdiri dari para Menteri, Gubernur Banten, pejabat di Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi Banten dan KotaTangerang, pejabat di Kementerian Perhubungan dan BUMN, para pimpinan perusahaan BUMN dan lain-lain. Disamping itu, acara ini juga dihadiri oleh 82 wartawan dari 35 media elektronik dan non-elektronik.
Based on suggestion from the viewers delivered directly to Public Relations, we will show some important events that happened in the month of August 2012. When you think there are other important events worthy of public consumption but it has not been published, please provide the following information if any photo. We will soon edit this article
(Ground breaking of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Development)
It could be said to be a big event for Angkasa Pura II. If we tell the truth, it is actually a big event for our beloved country Indonesia, because after the long wait, finally wishes of the people of Indonesia in general and customers of Soekarno-Hatta Airport in particular, the development of mega projects Soekarno-Hatta entered the stage of construction work. Ground breaking development Soekarno-Hatta done officially and symbolically by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr.H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on August 2, 2012 in the area of Terminal 3 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport promptly at 10 am. The event was attended by 500 invited consists of the Ministers, the Governor of Banten, local government officials Banten province and Tangerang Region, officials at the Ministry of Transport and the State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), the SOE corporate leaders and others. Besides that, the event was also attended by 82 journalists from 35 media electronic and non-electronic. (FR)
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Right to left: President Republic of Indonesia, Vice President RI, Minister of State-owned Enterprises, Minister of Transportation, Governor of Banten Province, President Director of Angkasa Pura II |
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President Republic of Indonesia is delivering a speech |
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President Director of AP II is reporting to the President RI & explaining Soekarno-Hatta Airport Development |
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Press Conference presented by Director of Airport & Head of Communication Center from Ministry of Transportation, Deputy President Director and Director of Operations & Engineering of Angkasa Pura II |
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a big 'welcome' banner |
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Signage |
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a road standing banner |
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a welcome banner |
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President Director is explaining the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Development |
the secured entrance |
a main stage |
2. Sidang Kabinet Pemerintah Republik Indonesia di Kantor Pusat Angkasa Pura II
Ini benar-benar peristiwa yang luar biasa bagi Angkasa Pura II karena untuk yang pertama kalinya, Angkasa Pura II dipilih sebagai tempat penyelenggaraan sidang kabinet Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Setelah acara ground breaking pengembangan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta yang berakhir pada jam 12 siang, rombongan Presiden, Wakil Presiden dan para Menteri menuju Kantor Pusat Angkasa Pura II untuk melaksanakan sidang kabinet. Sungguh merupakan suatu kehormatan bagi AP II atas kegiatan ini, dan tidaklah mudah bagi suatu instansi dapat memenuhi standard kelayakan negara sebagai tempat sidang kabinet. Tapi AP II telah membuktikan sebagai BUMN yang layak dan mampu memenuhi standard tersebut.
Cabinet Meeting of the Republic of Indonesia Government at Head Office of Angkasa Pura II
It's really an unusual event for Angkasa Pura II because for the first time, Angkasa Pura II chosen as the venue for the cabinet meeting of the Republic of Indonesia Government . After the ground breaking event Soekarno-Hatta development ended at 12 noon, the party of President, Vice-President and the Ministers headed Head office of Angkasa Pura II to implement the cabinet meeting. It is an honor for AP II on this activity, and it is not easy for an organization to meet the eligibility standards as the state cabinet meeting. But AP II has been proven as a viable State-Owned Enterprise and able to meet these standards.
It's really an unusual event for Angkasa Pura II because for the first time, Angkasa Pura II chosen as the venue for the cabinet meeting of the Republic of Indonesia Government . After the ground breaking event Soekarno-Hatta development ended at 12 noon, the party of President, Vice-President and the Ministers headed Head office of Angkasa Pura II to implement the cabinet meeting. It is an honor for AP II on this activity, and it is not easy for an organization to meet the eligibility standards as the state cabinet meeting. But AP II has been proven as a viable State-Owned Enterprise and able to meet these standards.
President of the Republic of Indonesia is welcome by President Director and President Commissioner of Angkasa Pura II in front of building 600 Head office of Angkasa Pura II |
in the holding room before cabinet meeting |
2 Presidents in the main chamber of Angkasa Pura II |
The State Press Conference in main lobby of Angkasa Pura II |
3. Hari ulang tahun Angkasa Pura II yang ke-28 dirayakan dengan acara buka bersama dengan kaum dhuafa
Tepat tanggal 13 Agustus 2012, Angkasa Pura II memasuki usia yang ke-28 tahun. Suatu usia yang cukup matang bagi sebuah perusahaan yang mengelola 12 bandara besar di Indonesia. Bersamaan dengan suasana puasa ramadan, Angkasa Pura II ingin berbagi kebahagian dengan kaum dhuafa yang berada di sekitar bandara. Manajemen AP II memutuskan untuk memberikan santunan atau bantuan biaya pendidikan dhuafa kepada 150 siswa kurang mampu dari 20 sekolah dengan total bantuan sebesar Rp 290.000.000 (dua ratus sembilan puluh juta rupiah) dan santunan ramadan kepada 1.260 orang dengan total santunan sebesar Rp 199.850.000 (seratus sembilan puluh sembilan juta delapan ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah). Bertempat di Masjid Nurul Barkah Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, acara peringatan 28 tahun AP II terasa hikmat saat dilantunkan ayat-ayat suci dari Al Quran. Dalam acara tersebut dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris, Dewan Direksi, Pejabat kantor pusat dan kantor cabang Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Acara ini diakhiri dengan berbuka bersama dan sholat maghrib berjamaah.
The 28th anniversary of Angkasa Pura II was celebrated by breaking the fasting with the less prosperous people
Right on August 13, 2012, Angkasa Pura II entered the age of 28 years. A ripe old enough for a company that manages 12 airports in Indonesia. Along with the atmosphere of Ramadan fasting, Angkasa Pura II, wants to share happiness with the less prosperous people who were around the airport. AP II management decided to give compensation or tuition assistance to 150 orphans underprivileged students of 20 schools with a total grant of Rp 290 million (two hundred ninety million rupiahs) and benefits of Ramadan to 1260 people with a total compensation of Rp 199,850,000 (one hundred ninety-nine million eight hundred fifty thousand rupiahs). Located at Nurul Barkah Mosque of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, the 28-year commemoration of AP II was wisdom as recited verses from the Quran. The event was attended by all members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Officers headquarters and branch office at Soekarno-Hatta. The event ended with a fasting break together and maghrib prayers in congregation. (FR)
Mr.Tri S.Sunoko, President Director of AP II is delivering the speech |
Board of Commissioners & Board of Directors are taking a picture with the children
4. Kunjungan Direktur Bandara Munich ke Angkasa Pura II
Adalah jawaban atas kunjungan delegasi Angkasa Pura II ke Bandara Munich pada tanggal 14 dan 15 Maret 2011. Tepat jam 10 pagi tanggal 15 Agustus 2012, Andreas Bergmann, Direktur Traffic Development Cargo Business Division Aviation Bandara Munich, mengunjungi kantor pusat Angkasa Pura II di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Disamping pembahasan banyak berkisar tentang pengelolaan kargo, Andreas Bergmann ternyata telah mengetahui rencana pengembangan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Oleh karena itu, saat beliau melihat video grand design Bandara Soekarno-Hatta sebagaimana ditampilkan dalam acara ground breaking di depan Presiden RI, serta mendapat penjelasan langsung dari beberapa pejabat AP II, Andreas Bergmann merasa sangat puas dan senang atas sambutan dari AP II. Bertempat di ruang rapat Wijaya Kusuma lantai 6, pertemuan tersebut berakhir pada pukul 12 siang ditandai dengan penyerahan cindera mata dari AP II.
Director of Munich Airport visits Angkasa Pura II
This is the answer to the delegation's visit of Angkasa Pura II to Munich Airport on 14 and 15 March 2011. Exactly at 10 am on August 15, 2012, Andreas Bergmann, Director of the Traffic Division Aviation Business Development Cargo of Munich Airport, visited the headquarters of Angkasa Pura II at Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Besides a lot of discussion revolved around the management of cargo, Andreas Bergmann was already familiar with the plan development Soekarno-Hatta. Therefore, when he saw video of grand design Soekarno-Hatta as shown in the ground breaking event in front of the President, as well as an explanation directly from some officials of AP II, Andreas Bergmann was very satisfied and pleased with the welcome of AP II. In the meeting Wijaya Kusuma room on the 6th floor , the meeting ended at 12 noon with the capitulation of AP II souvenirs. (FR)
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Public Relations Manager is explaining the video about development of Soekarno-Hatta Airport |
5. Buka bersama dengan Forum Wartawan Perhubungan
Kali yang kedua, semasa kepemimpinan Bapak Tri S.Sunoko sebagai Direktur Utama Angkasa Pura II berbuka bersama dengan Forum Wartawan Perhubungan. Mengambil tempat di Gado-gado Boplo Menteng Jakarta Pusat tanggal 14 Agustus 2012, acara ini dihadiri oleh 45 teman-teman media. Berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya, kali ini Bapak Bambang S.Ervan, Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Kementerian Perhubungan didampingi Bapak J.A Barata berkenan hadir. Acara ini sekaligus mengenalkan Corporate Secretary AP II yang baru yaitu Bapak Trisno Heryadi menggantikan CS yang lama Bapak Hari Cahyono. Acara berlangsung dengan hangat penuh kekeluargaan. Dalam acara ini, dilakukan juga press conference yang banyak mengupas masalah persiapan angkutan lebaran dan rencana AP II ke depan.
Breaking the fasting with Transportation Journalists Forum
The second time, during the leadership of Mr. Tri S.Sunoko as Angkasa Pura II President Director broke the fasting with Transportation Journalists Forum. Taking place at Gado-gado Boplo Menteng, Central Jakarta on August 14, 2012, the event was attended by 45 media friends. Different from previous years, this time Mr Bambang S.Ervan, Head of Communications Ministry of Transportation assisted Mr. JA Barata pleasure to present. The event is once again introducing the new Corporate Secretary of AP II, Mr. Trisno Heryadi replace the old CS, Mr. Hari Cahyono. The event was warmly and amicably. In this event, the press conference also made a lot of problem revealing such as Eid traffic preparations and plans for the future of AP II. (FR)
A word from President Director of AP II |
6. Buka bersama dengan Organda dan wartawan media nasional
Sehubungan dengan 4 bandara Angkasa Pura II selain Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dan Polonia yang beroperasi 24 jam, serta adanya road map integrasi antar moda transportasi dan upaya peningkatan pelayanan kepada pengguna jasa bandara khususnya ketersediaan transportasi darat dari/ke bandara, AP II menggandeng Organisasi Pengusaha Nasional Angkutan Bermotor di Jalan atau lebih dikenal dengan 'Organda'. Bertempat di Hotel Four Season Kuningan Jakarta, hari Kamis tanggal 16 Agustus 2012, hubungan yang harmonis kedua instansi tersebut ditunjukkan dalam acara buka bersama dengan media nasional. Dalam acara tersebut hadir juga bapak Jusman Syafii Djamal, mantan Menteri Perhubungan periode 9 Mei 2007 s.d. 22 Oktober 2009. Acara diakhiri dengan konferensi pers dan Direktur Utama Angkasa Pura II menjadi keynote speaker.
Breaking the fasting with Organda and national media journalists
In connection with the four airports of Angkasa Pura II in addition to the Soekarno-Hatta and Polonia which operates 24 hours, as well as a road map for the integration between transportation and efforts to improve service to airport users in particular the availability of airport ground transportation to / from the airport, AP II embraces National Employers' Organization Motorized transport in Road or better known as 'Organda'. Located at the Four Season Hotel Kuningan Jakarta, Thursday, August 16, 2012, a harmonious relationship the two agencies was shown in the fasting break with the national media. The event was also attended by Mr. Jusman Syafii Djamal, former Minister of Transportation the period May 9 2007 to October 22, 2009. The event concluded with a press conference and Director of Angkasa Pura II to be the keynote speaker. (FR)
hospitality between Public Relation Manager of AP II and media |
Mr. Jusman's address in the event |
Taking a picture after press conference |
7. Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433H dari Direksi Angkasa Pura II di 2 media televisi
Bila tahun lalu hanya menggunakan media cetak untuk menyampaikan ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri, maka tahun ini, Direksi AP II menggunkan media televisi yaitu TV Bandara dan Metro TV. Dimulailah shooting video tersebut pada jam 2 siang di lobby Gedung 600 Kantor Pusat AP II hari Rabu tanggal 15 Agustus 2012. Acara shooting diwarnai dengan canda tawa karena ternyata tidak mudah tampil di depan kamera walau hanya untuk rekaman 30 detik. Mulai dari pengaturan gaya, pakaian, dan yang paling repot adalah mengatur kekompakan berbicara. Cut!! Action!! kata itu yang berulang-ulang keluar dari sutradara. Tapi, akhirnya video itu jadi juga dan telah ditayangkan secara terus menerus setiap hari oleh TV Bandara. Sedangkan di Metro TV, video ucapan Direksi AP II muncul di acara Metro pagi, Bedah editorial media, Metro siang dan wide shot. Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 H, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.
Eid Greetings 1433H of Angkasa Pura II Directors on 2 television media
If last year just using the print media to convey Eid greeting, then this year, the Board of Directors of AP II use the television network, Airport TV and Metro TV. Began shooting video at 2 pm in the lobby of Building 600 Head Office of AP II, Wednesday, August 15, 2012. Shooting event tinged with laughter because it was not easy to perform in front of the camera even for a 30 second recording. Starting from the style settings, clothing, and the most troublesome is set compactness talk. Cut!! Action!! word was repeated out of the director. But eventually, the video was so well and has been aired continuously every day by Airport TV. While at Metro TV, video greeting Directors AP II appeared on 'Metro pagi', 'Bedah editorial media', 'Metro siang' and 'Wideshot'. Happy Eid Mubarak 1433 H, it's time to forgive and forget, let bygones be bygones. (FR)
8. Seminar tentang Prospek Kereta Api Bandara Sebagai Penguat World Class Airport
Bersamaan dengan hari ulang tahun Harian Terbit tanggal 17 Juli 2012, di gedung Angkasa Pura I di Kemayoran Jakarta diselenggarakan seminar tentang Prospek kereta api bandara sebagai penguat world class airport. Direktur Personalia dan Umum menjadi pembicara utama dalam seminar tersebut. Beliau menjelaskan upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh Angkasa Pura II sebagai bandara tersibuk ke-12 di dunia dalam mendukung tersedianya transportasi darat berupa kereta api dari dan menuju bandara. Acara ini dihadiri juga oleh beberapa BUMN, siswa STPI Curug dan para media. Di akhir acara disediakan sesi tanya jawab bagi peserta seminar.
Seminar on Prospects Airport Railway For Strengthening World Class Airport
Along with the birthday of Terbit newspaper on July 17, 2012, at the Angkasa Pura I's building in Kemayoran Jakarta, organized a seminar on airport train prospects as a world class airport amplifier. Director of Personnel and General Affairs of AP II becomes a keynote speaker at the seminar. He explained the efforts that have been made by Angkasa Pura II as the 12th busiest airport in the world in support of the availability of land in the form of rail transportation to and from the airport. The event was also attended by several State-Owned Enterprises, STPI Curug students and the media. At the end of the question and answer session is provided for participants. (FR)
Left to right: Head of PMU, Director of Personnel & General Affairs, Public Relations Manager |
Master of Ceremony is opening the seminar |
Question & Answer Session |
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